– Exhibition Information –

IID Gallery Apr. 20th -25th
4.6 billion years ago the Earth was created by the collision of planets. After that, land and sea were created, and plants, fish, birds, amphibians, and mammals appeared there. It can be said that everything that can be seen now is made up of one stone. Human ancestors have changed their place of residence from sea to land. It means that biologically it has changed from fish to mammals. People call it evolution. And now humans are about to evolve again.We are leaving Earth and going to Mars. Will changing the place of residence mean that we will evolve the biological classification again?
会場:IID Gallery
住所:〒154-0001 東京都世田谷区池尻 2-4-5 IID Gallery 世田谷ものづくり学校
会期:2021年4月20日(火) – 4月25日(日)
時間:11:00 – 18:00 (無休)

※予約は必要ありませんが、新型コロナウィルスにあたって入場には 人数制限があります。満員の際には整理券をお配りしてお待ちいただ く可能性があります。
– Photo Book Information –

著者:濱村 健誉
※代官山蔦屋書店で販売中。個展会場でも購入可能です 。